WHY THEY LIE!   by Tom Solari

  A Parade of Lies

NSA surveillance, IRS scandals, ObamaCare, Benghazi—the list goes on of incidents in which the President and members of his administration are caught lying, twisting facts, reversing their positions.

Many of us are amazed and frustrated at this continual stream of obvious lies. It's difficult to comprehend how people can dare to do that.

An Explanation

It has to do with a person's hardened or “chronic” emotional state.

If you recall ever having to deal with an angry person—or you or me when we're in a bad mood—you know that in that state we don’t think about the truth of what we’re saying. We just blurt out whatever pops into our minds to make us appear right and our opponents wrong.

Anger is a temporary state for most people. Most are normally friendly or will fluctuate emotionally according to the circumstance—grief at the loss of a loved one, exhilaration when the home team wins.

The Chronically Angry

But there are people who are chronically angry. Though they might put up a social front to hide the fact, it's pretty transparent and they can explode at the drop of a hat.

The emotion is mentally "hard-wired" into their character. Just below the surface a feeling of anger dictates much of their behavior.  And whether in a family, the workplace or elsewhere, these are dangerous people to be involved with. Most of us instinctively understand this and we tend to steer clear of people like that.

What is NOT broadly known is that there are emotions below anger that are far more dangerous. You don't want an apathetic person running heavy machinery, for example.

The Secretly Hostile

A highly dangerous emotional state below anger is covert hostility—someone who is actually hostile while carefully pretending otherwise.  They can even seem quite charming. But don't turn your back. This is your smiling, destructive, back-stabbing gossip—your traitor.

A person chronically in such a state is actually deathly afraid of what others might do to them. And so, from a warped sense of survival, they are compelled to control and make less of everyone in range.

A Key Factor

A person who is chronically angry or below, seldom accurately perceives an emotional state that is higher than his own chronic state. The secretly hostile individual "knows" that everyone else is as devious and destructive as they are! They cannot perceive or imagine otherwise!

When they encounter honest behavior or "goodness," they don’t see it as such. What they "know" conclusively is that the "good" person is a fake. Therefore they feel justified in whatever destructive steps they take against another person, or even against a whole culture.

Everyone Lies

To the covertly hostile, everyone lies as a matter of course.

For them, it's as easy as breathing. They don't think twice about it. They will say whatever works to their advantage.

In their minds, it’s a point of cleverness and pride to be able to lie and get away with it. And they will engage in every type of criminal behavior they can get away with. They will cheat and steal and feel completely justified in doing so.

Is it any wonder that this type of person gravitates to politics or news media as a profession? From such a position they can wield influence, power and control. They can more easily get us before we get them.

It's a twisted survival mechanism employed by people who are constantly under siege from dangerous, unknown forces that exist only in their minds. And, yes, this is completely insane. In the extreme case, we have what's known as the anti-social personality.

Charming Maniacs

How often in history have we seen charming, charismatic maniacs get popularly elected or seize political power, only to wreak widespread havoc and death? Oozing appeal, they attract people of like mind and character along with the gullible masses, frequently fooling whole nations.

Recognizing what drives the covertly hostile or anti-social, we can stop wondering how certain people in positions of power can, in broad daylight, consistently tell barefaced lies. And we needn’t be shocked that they operate as if they’re above the law, with no sense of responsibility for promises made and then broken. This is the only type of behavior that is real to them.

A salient point is that no amount of logic or truth will alter their destructiveness. And they cannot and will not change out of any sense of decency.

What We Can Do

First, understanding what we're dealing with, decent people can cease to be amazed by these characters. We need to shine the light of truth straight at them, expose their lies and refuse to allow their destructive behaviors and policies to persist or even take root.

They are basically cowards motivated by fear. Block them and stop them at every turn.

At a government level, replace such people through the electoral process. Don’t buy the line that all elections are rigged and your vote counts for nothing. That ensures an easy victory for your enemies.

Instead, get active and make sure your local elections are on the up-and-up. Then seek out and support candidates who are proven to be principled and truthful—people with integrity.

This is no time to dally with chronic liars.  Left unchecked, they will, quite literally, dismantle the Republic and create a police state. If you watch the news, you can see them take steps to do this on a daily basis. They are enemies of all that is good and they need to be DEFEATED.
  Additional Entries

The Political Landscape - Where to Begin
(Political Commentary)

Mass Killers - The Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns
(Social Commentary)

Inhuman Beings - The Chemicalized Personality
(Social Commentary)

Attention Tax Lovers
  Copyright © 2015 by Tom Solari